Saturday, March 1, 2014

Guitar Battle: Ethos

This picture of an "on-stage battle of dueling guitars" between Carlos Santana and David Brown displays many rhetorical aspects.  This post is about the Ethos used in this picture from Woodstock.  The picture uses the appearances of the two men to prove authenticity of both the men and the picture.  If you look at these two men, you can tell that they are hippies.  From the clothes they wear (slightly beat up) to their hygiene (looking slightly greasy), they look the role.  You may be thinking, "Oh, but these are just stereotypes" but you have to remember that they are stereotypes for a reason.  Proof of their characters being musicians you can see just by looking at their faces.  Passion is flowing out of them, and it shows with their posture and facial expressions.  These things build the character, or Ethos, of the individuals in the photograph as well as the hippy movement in general.  I'm willing to bet that, as many of us look up to celebrities, the hippies looked up to musicians like these and strive to be like them.


  1. Ok i see how their appearance helps to establish ethos as genuine hippy musicians, but i wonder how does that in turn affect what they are doing? How does their credibility add to the hippy movement?

  2. Going off of what Dunk-Man said, do you think all Hippies act the same, or are some "hipper" than others?

  3. I'm also going to second Duncan's comment. I am curious about how their ethos impacts that rhetorical drive of the hippie movement.
