Saturday, March 1, 2014

2+2=? Intrinsic Ethos

There are two ways of describing ethos either, intrinsic or extrinsic. Bob Seger in his song, 2+2=?, possesses the first kind of ethos, intrinsic ethos through his lyrics and emotions. The writing of the song is evidently from Seger's point of view, an experience he most likely faced in his life. Being that it is from his point of view he establishes credibility over the topic and presents a great amount of knowledge. Seger's language and choice of words are moving allowing the audience to almost feel the emotions he was feeling at the time, "yes it is true I am a young man but I'm not old enough to kill." The tone and the diction of the lyrics provides a more serious aspect of the song even though the background music makes it seem more of a up beat and moving song. The bottom line is that Bob Seger knows the possibility outcome of going to war and all the facts.  He knows he can't turn down the duty without being called, "yellow."

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