Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pathos as directed by Bob Seger

Pathos appeals to the emotional communication to the audience most commonly done through story telling or songs. Bob Seger's wrote a song entitled 2+2=?, a song of a war, a song that hits home for the audience of the time period. The 1960s brought more than just political movements and new challenges to overcome but also the fear of being drafted into war. Drafting was a serious topic of conversation, something most citizens were anticipating as each new day past. The lyrics from Bob Seger speak out about how lives are drastically changed and flipped upside down. Saying goodbye to family with hopes of returning to them one day soon was the only positive thoughts these men could endure. Pathos is a powerful tool of rhetoric allowing the audience to be emotionally affected by the words of others. 


  1. I definitely agree with how pathos was used in this song to appeal to the young men of the 1960's being drafted into the war. I also liked how you mentioned it was something they were "anticipating as each new day past." because within your own post it appealed to my pathos by making me imagine what it would've been like at that time and to feel that.

  2. I like where you're going with this and what you're trying to portray in terms of emotions, but at the same time, I think it'd be cool to incorporate some of the song lyrics into your posts and show the specific emotions they bring. And good thing drafting isn't a serious topic of conversation nowadays!

  3. There are a lot of lyrics in this song that back up exactly what you are saying, so I agree with what Dawit that incorporating some would help. This song is full of pathos and you really captured the essential idea when you describe how peoples lives were drastically changed due to the draft. I can sense the emotion that the families would feel and how it was incorporated in this song.
